Celebrating 32 Years in Mediation

Troy Smith
Founder and Primary Trainer
Meet Troy Smith:
30 Years of Experience as a Mediator and Award-Winning Mediation Trainer
Presented Over 10,000 Hours of Mediation Training to Over 5000 Course Participants Nationwide, Including Over 3000 Attendees in Alabama
Trained Over 82% of the Mediators Registered with the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution (as of January 2020)
Former Program Manager of a State Bar Mediation Service
Loves, Loves, Loves Teaching Mediation
Also Loves: His Wife of 30+ Years, 4 Daughters, 2 Guinea Pigs, Long Walks in the Woods, His Hometown New Orleans, and Binge Watching The Office, The Bob Newhart Show and Ted Lasso (not necessarily in that order)
Troy is a Primary Trainer in the following courses:
General/Civil Mediation (20-Hour)
Divorce & Family Mediation (40-Hour)
Advanced Mediation Training Annual Update
Advanced Divorce & Family Mediation
Master Mediator's Forum
Domestic Violence in Mediation
Mediation Advocacy
Psychology of Settlement
Reaching Resolution in Mediation
Building a Profitable Mediation Practice
Train-the-Mediation Trainer
For 30 years Mediation CLE, Inc. founder and president, Troy Smith, has been a leader in the field as a mediator and trainer. He has trained the vast majority of Alabama's most successful and profitable mediators. In fact, over 82% of the mediators registered with the Alabama Center for Dispute Resolution (as of January 2020) have completed training with Troy! With over 3000 course graduates in Alabama alone -- and over 5000 course attendees nationwide -- Troy has set the standard for mediation training in Alabama and nationally and has helped countless mediation entrepreneurs launch their mediation practices.
Troy is a graduate of Birmingham-Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama and the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University where he received the Faculty Award for Meritorious Achievement and Distinguished Service for his efforts to promote the use of mediation in the courts and the community.
He began mediating 30 years ago in 1992 and is the former program manager of a state-wide mediation service sponsored by the Utah State Bar. As program manager, Troy mediated a wide variety of cases, oversaw the work of the mediators in the program, established and directed court mediation programs, and worked tirelessly to educate the bar, the bench and the public on mediation in the early 1990's -- when the integration of mediation into the court system was just beginning.
In the mid-1990's he founded Mediation CLE, Inc. where he has developed over 20 introductory and advanced mediation training seminars and presented over 10,000 hours of mediation training to 5000 course participants. He has authored dozens of articles on mediation and became the founding editor of Mediation Monthly: The Newsletter for ADR Professionals in 1994. The first newsletter of its kind, Mediation Monthly provided information to a young, but growing profession during mediation’s “early years.”
Troy was born and raised in New Orleans, but moved to Alabama after high school when his parents retired and bought a large chicken farm in south Alabama. He spends about 50% of his professional time today in Alabama, but also travels throughout the country conducting mediation training in open-enrollment seminars and on-site programs for law firms, government agencies, universities, and other entities. His principle office is in Dallas, Texas, where he lives with his wife and children, and their two guinea pigs, Freddie and Georgie. He is available to mediate cases in Alabama, Texas and throughout the United States.
Currently, Troy teaches the following programs: General/Civil Mediation (20-Hour Seminar), Divorce and Family Mediation (40-Hour Seminar), Domestic Violence in Mediation, Building a Profitable Mediation Practice, Mediation Advocacy, The Master Mediator's Forum and additional advanced mediation training seminars. He also teaches a one-of-a-kind program for mediation trainers, Teaching Mediation: The Train-the-Mediation-Trainer Seminar. Additionally, through webinars and online courses, Troy continues to develop and present mediation, negotiation and conflict resolution courses for mediators, attorneys, and other professionals in dispute resolution.
Troy has mediated cases for businesses, families, government agencies, non-profit organizations and many others. But his most challenging – and rewarding – work comes from "co-mediating" with his wife in raising their four daughters, who provide on-going opportunities to observe and practice negotiation strategy, peace-keeping skills and all manner of dispute resolution techniques!
In addition to devoting himself to his work and his family. Troy loves traveling, taking long walks in the woods, eating just about anything in his hometown of New Orleans, binge watching "The Office" and "The Bob Newhart Show" - and more recently, "Ted Lasso" - and spending time with friends.

Attorney and Mediator
Birmingham, Alabama
Troy is a rare mix of subject matter expert and entertainer. He is the go-to mediation guru who can help you work through any mediation issue you may face. Yet his training is also fun and engaging. I have taken three of Troy's mediation training classes, and I have learned something new and helpful in each session -- and I enjoyed every minute of them.

Retired Attorney
Montgomery, Alabama
I have attended three of Troy's seminars in the last year and can't wait for the next one. At first, I was very hesitant about sitting through several days of intense training but all my apprehensions dissipated quickly with Troy's easy-going style and commitment to an interactive, thought-provoking study of the process and practice of mediation, complete with excellent written material and resources to use for continued study. His skills and knowledge are unmatched and he is brilliant at keeping the class engaged and energized. Additionally, his [seminars] provide an excellent opportunity for students to get to know and build professional and personal relationships with other participants in each class. Best of all, once you attend one of Troy's classes, you become part of his "family" and he will always be available to help or encourage you outside of the classroom.